

Tvorbu Jana F. Veselého sleduji od roku 2012, kdy jsem měl možnost poprvé hrát na nástroj z jeho dílny. Později jsem jeho kytary využil na koncertech u nás i v zahraničí a též svém CD pro jejich neuvěřitelně krásnou barvu. Barva i design nástrojů jsou ryzí, vyhraněné a s puncem perfekcionismu. Bez váhání snesou srovnání se zavedenými světovými kytaráři.
Lukáš Sommer

I have known Jan since my youth already. Coincidentally, we both went to a very small village in the Czech Republic for our holidays. I remember that he, as a young boy, was already somehow busy dealing with violins and violin-making. I also already played the violin, but we never spoke to each other that much. Since 2011, I have seen him more often in this village. One day, I saw a viola hanging outside in his garden. I was interested, so I went to see him. He showed me this viola and he explained to me with lots of enthusiasm how he has built this instrument. During Summer 2015, I could try some of his violins and viola’s. I was looking for a viola for myself, so I was especially focused on that instrument. I liked one of his newest viola’s so much that I decided to buy it. My colleague (Boris Goldenblank) from the Johann Strauss Orchestra of famous violinist André Rieu, borrowed the viola for a while and he liked the sound very much. Also viola player Michael Kugel, teacher at the Conservatory of Maastricht (NL), shared this opinion.

The viola from Jan has a very warm sound. Due to that, it seems like it is already older. Also, this instrument is made according to a specific size, which makes it more easy for me as a violin player to play on a viola which is not too big. It is a wonderful instrument!.

Jan is very willing to build viola’s with several sizes. The smaller viola’s do not lose their warm sound so much. Also, Jan’s violins are amazing and highly recommendable! Besides violins and viola’s, Jan also builds celli and even Viola da Gamba’s and acoustic guitars. He also overhauls old violins very professional and he builds many violins according to different models (e.g. Stradivarius etc.). Despite his young age, Jan has already accomplished a lot. I can recommend him very much. In one way he is a very nice person to deal with and in another way, his instruments are very worth it. Highly recommendable for both students and professionals!

Martine Wijers
Violinist and pianist at the Johann Strauss Orchestra of André Rieu
The Netherlands

Curriculum vitae

Jan F. Veselý is the first professional violin maker in Pardubice region. His work consists restoration and production of string musical instruments. In his atelier are produced violins, violas, cellos and historical musical instruments like viola da gamba and viola d’amore. He also produces romantic guitars.

2019 Lecturer for Martin Vaněk, a professional restorer of the New Castle in Kostelec nad Orlicí
2018 Exhibition of violin-making art at Vyšehrad in Prague. Exhibition of regional brands of ARZ. Exhibition of violin-making craft for the regional brand Pernštejn Region
2018 Exhibition of violin-making craft at Pardubice Castle under the auspices of the East Bohemian Museum of Pardubice - Sweet Christmas.
2017 International Luthier Master Class in Motovun, Croatia. Lecturer for Mirko Gabler
2017 Filming for Czech Television, Toulavá kamera 1.10.2017
2017 Lecturer for Marek Schebesta, www.kontrabasum.cz
2016 Exhibition of violin-making art in the Regional Library in Pardubice
2016 International Luthier Master Class. Lecturer for Mirko Gabler from New York
2016 International Luthier Master Class. Lecturer for Lux Nieve, Madrid, Spain, www.luxnieve.com
2015 Exhibition of Musical Instruments in France - Beauvais Conservatory
2015 Exhibition of Musical Instruments at the Conservatory in Abbeville, France
2015 Award of the Association of Regional Brands as a Certified Product of the Pernštejn Region
2014 Cooperation and support of international courses Litomyšl www.litomyslmasterclass.org
2014 Sponsor of Barocco Sempre Giovane chamber ensemble www.barocco.cz
2014 CD release and cooperation with guitarist Lukáš Sommer, www.lukassommer.eu
2014 Professional lecture for ZUŠ Polička, www.zusbmpolicka.cz
2013 Music fair, For Music and Show 2013 Prague
2013 Sponsor XXXVII. The annual competition of conservatories and music grammar schools in the Czech Republic, www.konzervatorpardubice.eu
2012 Sales and repairs of musical instruments abroad - France, Austria, Germany
2011 Expansion abroad, France
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Jan F Veselý
Jan F. Veselý, 2017

Social media


Jan F. Veselý
adresa: Sukova tř. 1260, 530 02 Pardubice
Česká republika
IČO: 74792946
tel.: +420 605 143 405
email: info@luthier-vesely.com

Cech houslařů pražských Kraj Pernštejnů